Search For drama In Quotes 176

I was in television drama which is a first cousin to the movies and I trust myself to make the right decisions.

I'm not sure anybody's ready to see me in a drama. And loving movies so much I've seen a lot of comics try to make that transition too fast and it can be detrimental. And I don't think I've had as much success as I need in the comedy genre to open up those opportunities.

My passion is doing movies and as long as I keep doing that I'll be happy. I want to do movies fun roles and dramatic ones. I love all of it.

There's an absolute prejudice that good movies are dramas and comedies are more dismissable. But I couldn't disagree more.

I think romance is a tool comedy is a tool and drama is a tool. I really just want to tell stories that challenge the viewer move people make you laugh perhaps push an idea about being open-minded but never settle on a genre or an opinion. I hate genre. I like movies that are original in their approach.

I think that's what distinguishes Schmidt really. In the movies now so much of what is appealing to an audience is the dramatic or has to do with science fiction and Schmidt is simply human. There's no melodrama there's no device It's just about a human being.

I was always a drama queen. I remember playing in the kitchen trying to get my mom to think I was dead and call the police. When she didn't I would cry. I was always theatrical. I don't think any of my relatives are surprised.

There's not a lot of room anymore for what I call 'made-up' drama. The drama comes from real places now - marriage takes work and focus the kid stuff takes patience and commitment. And if you don't grow as people and as a couple within all of that then you've got some real drama.

So many people prefer to live in drama because it's comfortable. It's like someone staying in a bad marriage or relationship - it's actually easier to stay because they know what to expect every day versus leaving and not knowing what to expect.

I really love idiot enlightened characters - these characters who fail to engage with the drama of their immediate circumstances they fail to be reactive and enrolled by drama as it happens around them.

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