Search For doctors In Quotes 67

Smartphones can relay patients' data to hospital computers in a continuous stream. Doctors can alter treatment regimens remotely instead of making patients come in for a visit.

The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet Doctor Quiet and Doctor Merryman.

I think people feel threatened by homosexuality. The problem isn't about gay people the problem is about the attitude towards gay people. People think that all gays are Hannibal Lecters. But gay people are sons and daughters politicians and doctors American heroes and daughters of American heroes.

Giving birth was the most amazing thing I've ever done. I'd been living in a Third World country and I said 'I'm going to just squat behind a tree.' I basically did that but in a chair in my living room. I didn't want a sterile hospital room. I didn't want doctors. I had a midwife.

It's kind of amazing how popular 'Grey's Anatomy' is. What other show can boast such an annoyingly sincere cast of doctors sniveling through such perfunctory love triangles?

It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors hospitals and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors hospitals medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it.

The athlete of today is not an athlete alone. He's the center of a team - doctors scientists coaches agents and so on.