Search For devil In Quotes 66

And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his mighty heart till the Devil whispered behind the leaves 'It's pretty but is it Art?'

Anger is implanted in us as sort of sting to make us gnash with our teeth against the devil to make us vehement against him not to set us in array against each other.

It was said Daredevil grew up in Hell's Kitchen an amazing name for a neighbourhood. But that opened a Pandora's box of all the crime stuff I wanted to do. I borrowed liberally from Will Eisner's 'The Spirit' and turned 'Daredevil' into a crime comic.

The devil had as good have let Paul alone for he no sooner comes into prison but he falls a preaching at which the gates of Satan's prison fly open and poor sinners come forth.

If I'm alone too long I think too much and I'm not interested in doing that. That won't lead anywhere good I'm sure. If I'm busy I tend to stay out of trouble. An idle mind is the devil's playground.

Do you remember when you were 10 or 11 years old and you really thought your folks were the best? They were completely omniscient and you took their word for everything. And then you got older and you went through this hideous age when suddenly they were the devil they were bullies and they didn't know anything.