Search For depend In Quotes 515

Success is dependent on effort.

That Germany was so immensely strong and Austria so dependent upon German strength that the word and will of Germany would at the critical moment be decisive with Austria.

I like strength. I depend on my own.

Intensity like signal strength will generally fall off with distance from the source although it also depends on the local conditions and the pathway from the source to the point.

Success in golf depends less on strength of body than upon strength of mind and character.

They tell me that it will be hard to find a man strong enough to love my own strength and independence and not worry about being Mr. Diana Ross but I disagree. I know absolutely that that man is somewhere out there.

I think that we had a different view of what the 21st century could be like with much more of a sense from our perspective of trying to have an interdependent world: looking at solving regional conflicts having strength in alliances operating within some kind of a sense that we were part of the international community and not outside of it.

The five separate fingers are five independent units. Close them and the fist multiplies strength. This is organization.

I was always very independent and looked out for myself. I think that ability really helped me in later years both in sports and in theatre.

We should reach out to people to try to go after the fans the way other sports do. Because we can't just depend on the fact that it is a great game.

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But I don't think that it's a form of family that I would be comfortable in. I've found a way to this character and this family but I still believe that a marriage is between two people and not seven or three.