Search For cruel In Quotes 81

The course of this conflict is not known yet its outcome is certain. Freedom and fear justice and cruelty have always been at war and we know that God is not neutral between them.

Fear is the main source of superstition and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.

Stupidity outrage vanity cruelty iniquity bad faith falsehood - we fail to see the whole array when it is facing in the same direction as we.

Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man.

The great thing about baseball is the causality is easy to determine and it always falls on the shoulders of one person. So there is absolute responsibility. That's why baseball is psychologically the cruelest sport and why it really requires psychological resources to play baseball - because you have to learn to live with failure.

There is an increasingly pervasive sense not only of failure but of futility. The legislative process has become a cruel shell game and the service system has become a bureaucratic maze inefficient incomprehensible and inaccessible.

I'm not convinced that women have the education or the sense of their own history enough or that they understand the cruelty of which men are capable and the delight that many men will take in seeing you choose to chain yourself - then they get to say 'See you did it yourself.'

Your kids can say some cruel things to you at times. For example Nicole Miles and Sofie are standing there in the room and I'm dressed to kill in my own mind. They'll say to me 'Dad you're not going out there looking like that are you?' If that doesn't kill a star I don't know what does!

An angry father is most cruel towards himself.

No I am not a homosexual. If I were a homosexual I would hope I would have the courage to say so. What's cruel is that you are forcing me to say I am not a homosexual. This means you are putting homosexuals down. I don't want to do that.

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God will never direct us to be prideful arrogant and unforgiving immoral or slothful or full of fear. We step into these things because we are insensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit within us.