Search For corporate In Quotes 65

We have in this country a federal government that increasingly is engaged in trying to determine which business which regions which industries will succeed which will not through a whole range of economic development regional development corporate subsidization programs.

It's high time for the art world to admit that the avant-garde is dead. It was killed by my hero Andy Warhol who incorporated into his art all the gaudy commercial imagery of capitalism (like Campbell's soup cans) that most artists had stubbornly scorned.

Art is the most beautiful deception of all. And although people try to incorporate the everyday events of life in it we must hope that it will remain a deception lest it become a utilitarian thing sad as a factory.

To be able to sit in Donald Trump's apartment and talk about the future of corporate real estate was amazing.

We incorporated new tastes and flavors into our kids' diets from a very early age which helped to develop their palates and prevented them from becoming picky eaters. We don't buy junk food and give them options of fresh fruit yogurt raw almonds or dried whole grain cereals for snack time.