Search For convince In Quotes 102

In 1998 Artnet was the site that convinced me that if my writing didn't exist online it didn't exist at all. It showed me criticism's future.

The most important thing is to write material that YOU think is funny. If you don't think it's funny but you're convinced that other people will think it is well they won't.

I wear black skinny-fit jeans - I can't get away from them. It's funny because I wore baggy jeans for ages then one day my friend convinced me to try on a skinny pair and I thought they were great.

Back then I didn't think a woman like that or a relationship like that could exist with complete freedom and no jealousy or possessiveness. I thought it sounded too good to be true and I was certainly convinced it wasn't the life for me!

Watching President Obama apologize last week for America's arrogance - before a French audience that owes its freedom to the sacrifices of Americans - helped convince me that he has a deep-seated antipathy toward American values and traditions.

When I want comfort food I buy Maltesers. I like all chocolates but especially those. You can eat them and because they're so light you can convince yourself that they are not actually that fattening.

You know if I listened to Michael Dukakis long enough I would be convinced we're in an economic downturn and people are homeless and going without food and medical attention and that we've got to do something about the unemployed.

Well I am now convinced there is no kind of fear or anxiety anyone has to live with.

I am convinced that it is not the fear of death of our lives ending that haunts our sleep so much as the fear... that as far as the world is concerned we might as well never have lived.

But to this day I am convinced that the real reason we met was because Alexander is from Nebraska and he was completely fascinated that I was about to go off and make a movie with Brando - perhaps the most famous Nebraskan of all.