Search For cases In Quotes 65

The most important loan to pay is your student loan. It's more important than your mortgage car and credit card payments. You cannot discharge student loan debt in the majority of cases.

The sport of horse racing which at its best showcases the majestic beauty of this animal and the athleticism of jockeys has reached an alarming level of corruption and exploitation.

One thing however is sure - that in all cases the effort should be to impose all the cost of repairing the wrong upon the doer of the wrong. This alone is real justice and of course such justice is necessarily free.

Most high courts in other nations do not have discretion such as we enjoy in selecting the cases that the high court reviews. Our court is virtually alone in the amount of discretion it has.

To love our neighbor as ourselves is such a truth for regulating human society that by that alone one might determine all the cases in social morality.

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The best beauty advice I ever received is to keep skin hydrated and limit harsh exposure to the sun. If you are set on the tanned look there are plenty of great creams that will give you a healthy-looking glow.