Search For camera In Quotes 87

The reward is that you can actually create a world separate from reality with a story actors music and camera design. When it works it can entertain move people and teach us all.

I couldn't be a cameraman or a designer or an actor - I have to be a director because I learned how to do that from my dad.

Joanna points her camera at a section of society unused to having cameras pointed at it. But I don't know about categorizing them in terms of class I'm a bit wary of that. My dad is the son of a shipbuilder.

I get that same queasy nervous thrilling feeling every time I go to work. That's never worn off since I was 12 years-old with my dad's 8-millimeter movie camera.

The nude scenes were a little eerie and I felt a bit odd. Yeah when the camera scanned up my body I said to my friend 'Now that's a close-up.' I mean you see every inch of my body. But I'm okay with it and so it was cool.

While the recent addition of the National Guard providing a support role manning computers and cameras has allowed more Border Patrol agents to work the field more agents are still needed.

I'm interested in all kinds of pictures however they are made with cameras with paint brushes with computers with anything.

They had some really cool rigged cars and things that were different that they would tow behind the camera car that were actually on these trailers that manipulated side to side and stuff like they were getting hit and actually put the actor right in the middle of the chase.

In the car and in front of the camera I tend to be very calm but behind the scenes I can get fired up and passionate I just don't see the need to shout my mouth off in public.

We had the guys from X Men 2 do the cameras. They had a 360 camera that would go from one car up in the air and over to another car in a continuous shot while the film was still rolling going 90 mph.

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I wanted to be a dancer my whole life. And when I gave it up to act I always had a really sad part of myself that missed it and missed performing and missed being physical in that way.