Search For bunch In Quotes 65

Mild autism can give you a genius like Einstein. If you have severe autism you could remain nonverbal. You don't want people to be on the severe end of the spectrum. But if you got rid of all the autism genetics you wouldn't have science or art. All you would have is a bunch of social 'yak yaks.'

I know so many amazing actors who don't get work... and then there are a bunch of real duds that work all the time. The industry is just not fair in that way.

I like making pies. I have a bunch of fruit trees in my backyard. My loquat tree sprouted and I like making loquat pie. They're really hard to peel and everything and it took me forever but they make the best pies. They're amazing.

From 18 to 22 I was alone living in L.A. with a bunch of friends partying.

I can't wait to be that age and hanging out with a bunch of people hanging out all day playing golf and going to the beach all my own age. We'd be laughing and having a good time and getting loopy on our prescription drugs. Driving golf carts around. I can't wait.