Search For becoming In Quotes 153

There's no hope of me becoming completely relaxed on stage. If I did I'd sit down and doze off.

One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.

I think I'm becoming more relaxed in front of a camera. I suppose I'll always feel slightly more at home on stage. It's more of an actor's medium. You are your own editor nobody else is choosing what is being seen of you.

I want kids to have a chance to dream of becoming something like I did in my life and when you're living in a home that's dysfunctional and unhealthy that way you don't dream like that.

When my mother got home from work she would take me to the movies. It was her way of getting out and she would take me with her. I'd go home and act all the parts. It had a tremendous influence on my becoming an actor.

The middle class one of the great achievements in history is becoming more of a relic than a reality.

The becoming of man is the history of the exhaustion of his possibilities.

While we are living in the present we must celebrate life every day knowing that we are becoming history with every work every action every deed.

As I go to sleep I remember what my father said-that one can never be sure if one will awake. The way my health is now this is becoming more and more real.

As the National Football League and other pro sports increasingly reckon with the early dementia mental health issues suicides and even criminal behavior of former players the risk of what's known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is becoming clear.