Search For attract In Quotes 169

Opposites may attract but I wouldn't put my money on a relationship of financial opposites.

Money is usually attracted not pursued.

Successful people make money. It's not that people who make money become successful but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do.

I think of myself as a fairly attractive girl and always have thanks to my mom. I was brought into this world thinking I was gorgeous because my mother was extremely devoted to this notion.

I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive but I have photographs of her.

I think that the day you've figured out the differences between women and men is the day that you're no longer attracted to women. It's the difference that is so fantastic and frustrating and angering and really sexy.

Clever and attractive women do not want to vote they are willing to let men govern as long as they govern men.

Force always attracts men of low morality.

Men become much more attractive when they start looking older. But it doesn't do much for women though we do have an advantage: make-up.

The reason for not getting married was that I just didn't have a partner to get married to. Climbing mountains was more attractive to me than marriage or other fun things like that.