Search For athlete In Quotes 81

The London Games will be designed for the athletes and we will provide them with the very best venues and the very best conditions to pursue their sporting dreams in London.

Too many athletes are living in a tiny window. They have no vision for themselves - what they can be outside of football and what they can mean to a community. They just don't know any better. My hopes and dreams are unlimited.

An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart and dreams in his head.

My daughter's mother and I are no longer dating and the people I'm most likely to date are those around me who are athletes.

My dad was a good athlete. My mom had longevity. There were some athletic genes that certainly got passed down.

Also to be honest my dad wanted me to be an athlete. And I think all sons want to prove something to their dad. So now aged 35 I want to see what I can achieve physically.

To go to hospitals and see people fight and overcome cystic fibrosis or cancer or any number of illnesses is to see courage that is humbling. And athletes constantly need to be humbled.

Athletes are very cool to me.

Acting is sort of an extension of childhood. You get to play all of these roles and have so much fun. Playing an athlete would be so cool. Or where you get to shoot guns ride horses. I wouldn't turn down any of that.

When first starting to work with someone you try to get them in the same mindset that you were in when you were successful and I realized the best thing you can ever do is realize that they are not you. They have a different persona and mindset and you have to figure out what works best within your communication with that athlete.

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The role of the musician is to go from concept to full execution. Put another way it's to go from understanding the content of something to really learning how to communicate it and make sure it's well-received and lives in somebody else.