Search For answer In Quotes 233

There ain't no answer. There ain't gonna be any answer. There never has been an answer. That's the answer.

Music is more emotional than prose more revolutionary than poetry. I'm not saying I've got the answers just a of questions that I don't hear other artists asking.

At this point we've answered about every question you could possibly imagine about Deep Space Nine so we do this thing called Theatrical Jazz where we do a show of bits and pieces of things from plays and literature poetry... stuff that we like. It's fun.

If we ask a vague question such as 'What is poetry?' we expect a vague answer such as 'Poetry is the music of words ' or 'Poetry is the linguistic correction of disorder.'

From reading a previous answer you know that I consider all those aspects to be part of American cultural myth and thus they figure into good American poetry whether the poet is aware of what he is doing or not.

I love Sufism as I love beautiful poetry but it is not the answer. Sufism is like a mirage in the desert. It says to you come and sit relax and enjoy yourself for a while.

We have peace with Israel. We're actually the last man standing. So there is going to be immense pressure and people asking 'Why are we having this relationship when it's not benefiting anybody?' Obviously my answer is you always benefit from peace.

If I could have one prayer answered I would pray for patience. I move so fast sometimes. I try to slow down.

By nature's kindly disposition most questions which it is beyond a man's power to answer do not occur to him at all.

Nature puts no question and answers none which we mortals ask. She has long ago taken her resolution.