No government can help the destinies of people who insist in putting sectional and class consciousness ahead of general weal.
No matter what looms ahead if you can eat today enjoy today mix good cheer with friends today enjoy it and bless God for it.
If you really want something you just hang with it. We think our future's ahead and not behind.
Looking ahead future generations may learn their social skills from robots in the first place. The cute yellow Keepon robot from Carnegie Mellon University has shown the ability to facilitate social interactions with autistic children. Morphy at the University of Washington happily teaches gestures to children by demonstration.
If younger people see older people who haven't planned ahead and have to rely on charity the young will be more likely to provide for the future. Today when someone plans poorly the only consequence people see is a demand for more government.
When a scientist is ahead of his times it is often through misunderstanding of current rather than intuition of future truth. In science there is never any error so gross that it won't one day from some perspective appear prophetic.
Planning ahead is a measure of class. The rich and even the middle class plan for future generations but the poor can plan ahead only a few weeks or days.
The dark shadow we seem to see in the distance is not really a mountain ahead but the shadow of the mountain behind - a shadow from the past thrown forward into our future. It is a dark sludge of historical sectarianism. We can leave it behind us if we wish.
Map out your future - but do it in pencil. The road ahead is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip.
Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead that is where your future lies.