Search For abandon In Quotes 65

If either player abandon the game by quitting the table in anger or in an otherwise offensive manner or by momentarily resigning the game or refuses to abide by the decision of the Umpire the game must be scored against him.

The good Lord is amazing He opens up doors. I was close to abandoning the dream and He was like 'Hey slow down there buddy.'

At the moment of childbirth every woman has the same aura of isolation as though she were abandoned alone.

Light and funny has a more compelling quality when you're younger. But I haven't abandoned the genre: I love falling down I love Lucille Ball. It's just that a lot of those stories revolve around problems that I can't convincingly portray at this age.

The class distinctions proper to a democratic society are not those of rank or money still less as is apt to happen when these are abandoned of race but of age.