If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off I know that is poetry.
Rhyme that enslaved queen that supreme charm of our poetry that creator of our meter.
The drama is complete poetry. The ode and the epic contain it only in germ it contains both of them in a state of high development and epitomizes both.
As things are and as fundamentally they must always be poetry is not a career but a mug's game. No honest poet can ever feel quite sure of the permanent value of what he has written: He may have wasted his time and messed up his life for nothing.
The true spirit of delight the exaltation the sense of being more than Man which is the touchstone of the highest excellence is to be found in mathematics as surely as poetry.
Poetry may make us from time to time a little more aware of the deeper unnamed feelings which form the substratum of our being to which we rarely penetrate for our lives are mostly a constant evasion of ourselves.
Poetry has done enough when it charms but prose must also convince.
It is time to get drunk! So as not to be the martyred slaves of Time get drunk get drunk without stopping! On wine on poetry or on virtue as you wish.
Superstition is the poetry of life.
If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me I know that is poetry.