Search For differ In Quotes 1279

I don't see women and think of them as competition or with judgment. Women really move me. I feel connected to all kinds of women. I am angry because I think we've been mistreated throughout history in different countries including America. I admire women.

I'm inspired by history different periods.

It is sometimes very hard to tell the difference between history and the smell of skunk.

American policy seems to be wed to a perpetual state of war. Why? History shows that the world will always be in flux or turmoil with different peoples competing for visibility and power. The U.S. cannot fix the fate of every nation.

There's something quite exciting when you have a history with somebody and you see them do new and different things.

Storytelling in general is a communal act. Throughout human history people would gather around whether by the fire or at a tavern and tell stories. One person would chime in then another maybe someone would repeat a story they heard already but with a different spin. It's a collective process.

To correct a natural indifference I was placed half-way between misery and the sun. Misery kept me from believing that all was well under the sun and the sun taught me that history wasn't everything.

If we cannot now end our differences at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.

Great Britain had a much different situation than we do and did here in the United States in that they had literally thousands of infected animals with human health risks. Their infectivity in this disease happened before very much was known about it.

We see tremendous excitement from small-business people about the administration and about the attention and commitment that the president has to do things that really make a difference. I think they recognize that health care is one of those. I think they recognize that what we've been doing in the Recovery Act with our loan programs has mattered.

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The teacher of history's work should be ideally not simply a description of past cultures but a performance of the culture in which we live and are increasingly taking our being.