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I have a need to make these sorts of connections literal sometimes and a vehicle often helps to do that. I have a relationship to car culture. It isn't really about loving cars. It's sort of about needing them.

Writing fiction is for me a fraught business an occasion of daily dread for at least the first half of the novel and sometimes all the way through. The work process is totally different from writing nonfiction. You have to sit down every day and make it up.

Sometimes I think our problems are made worse by the kind of business we're in. Playing these road shows is a weird experience.

I've made movies that I thought were good. I've made movies that I thought were okay but then I was very good. And sometimes you're in a movie and you think I wish more people saw that - because you're good. And it just works out that the movie gets lost. But that's show business.

I think in politics in Congress you often do things that are Republican or you do things because you're a Democrat. Sometimes that's good obviously and sometimes that's obviously bad. But in the news business there's no such thing as Republican or Democratic news. News is news.

Baseball just a came as simple as a ball and bat. Yet as complex as the American spirit it symbolizes. A sport a business and sometimes almost even a religion.

I think I could go away tomorrow. I've already accomplished something. It's such a selfish business that sometimes I get sick of myself.

Business and growing jobs is about taking risk sometimes failing sometimes succeeding but always striving. It is about dreams. Usually it doesn't work out exactly as you might have imagined. Steve Jobs was fired at Apple. He came back and changed the world.

I often buy myself presents. Sometimes I will spend $100 000 in one day in a posh boutique.

I don't want to tell President Obama how to make a speech. He's a much better speech maker than I am. But I think always to tell the truth in a sometimes blatant way even though it might be temporarily unpopular is the best approach.