Search For freed In Quotes 1087

Look freedom is an overwhelming American notion. The idea that we want to see the world the peoples of the world free is something that all of us subscribe to.

Pleasure and freedom from pain are the only things desirable as ends.

In South Africa we could not have achieved our freedom and just peace without the help of people around the world who through the use of non-violent means such as boycotts and divestment encouraged their governments and other corporate actors to reverse decades-long support for the Apartheid regime.

Analysis gave me great freedom of emotions and fantastic confidence. I felt I had served my time as a puppet.

Freedom granted only when it is known beforehand that its effects will be beneficial is not freedom.

I am conservative with a small 'c.' It's possible to be conservative in fiscal policy and tolerant on moral issues or questions of freedom of expression.

True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right.

Today's Constitution is a realistic document of freedom only because of several corrective amendments. Those amendments speak to a sense of decency and fairness that I and other Blacks cherish.

Novelists have always had complete freedom to pretty much tell their story any way they saw fit. And that's what I'm trying to do.

Men who want to support women in our struggle for freedom and justice should understand that it is not terrifically important to us that they learn to cry it is important to us that they stop the crimes of violence against us.