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What society doesn't realize is that in the past ordinary people respected learning. They respected books and they don't now or not very much. That whole respect for serious literature and learning has disappeared.

There was a time when young people respected learning and literature and now they don't.

In university they don't tell you that the greater part of the law is learning to tolerate fools.

That is not enough. Sport has been great for me a great learning place that if you want to achieve you can even if you are from the poorest part of Africa.

In terms of doing work and in terms of learning and evolving as a person you just grow more when you get more people's perspectives... I really try and live the mission of the company and... keep everything else in my life extremely simple.

I believe that the testing of the student's achievements in order to see if he meets some criterion held by the teacher is directly contrary to the implications of therapy for significant learning.

It helps immerse yourself in what you potentially want to do. Being involved learning firsthand and observing the craft and absorbing all you can makes it easier to define what you want. It will also ultimately make you a better Chef. Culinary school or even a single class is a great bet too.

The chess player who develops the ability to play two dozen boards at a time will benefit from learning to compress his or her analysis into less time.

Narcissist: psychoanalytic term for the person who loves himself more than his analyst considered to be the manifestation of a dire mental disease whose successful treatment depends on the patient learning to love the analyst more and himself less.

There's no mystery to it. Nothing more complicated than learning lines and putting on a costume.