Search For elation In Quotes 1287

I grew up very religious and I don't have a great relationship with religion.

I'm in an on-off relationship at the moment.

I am a relationship girl. That's kind of just how I'm made... When you're in my life it's actually very contained.

I'm always open to a relationship but I'm not putting those feelers out there now.

So I just had to step up how I was doing it and the moment that I stepped up and the moment I focused all my energy on that is when things started to happen. So there's a direct relationship between my inspiration and my output.

We run into some pretty tough arguments sometimes but the idea is that at the end of the day my wife and I realize that we'll always be holding each other's hand. This is a lifelong relationship and after 12 years she hasn't gotten rid of me yet.

But I think the real tension lies in the relationship between what you might call the pursuer and his quarry whether it's the writer or the spy.

You know we're each the hero of our own story and we perceive what's going on around us and especially in a relationship from the kind of viewpoint of 'Well this is my story and I'm the hero of that and I justify what I do around it.'

I do believe that when you know better you do better. You know what was wrong about the last relationship and hopefully you will do better the next time.

My mother killed herself when I was 12. I won't complete that relationship. But I can try to understand her.

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It's not hard to get your way when it's your way or the highway. People either follow suit or they're not around. I don't really like the sound of that 'cause that sounds like a temper tantrum. I'm just very black and white when it comes to my business. There's really no gray area.