Search For persona In Quotes 622

I know to banish anger altogether from one's breast is a difficult task. It cannot be achieved through pure personal effort. It can be done only by God's grace.

Personally I had the opportunity to go on several ride alongs with the LA County Sheriff's Department with some amazing detectives who were invaluable to me.

It's really sad looking at people like Lindsay Lohan. She's an amazing actress but you see what happens when people know too much about your personal life. They start not being able to look at you the same way professionally. I don't want that to happen to me.

Truthfully being pregnant is changing me as a person. Each day is part of this amazing journey that has completely shifted the focus of my life and made me reevaluate my personal and professional goals.

Singing really is acting. In a lot of ways it's much more personal. I love music and being able to work on that is amazing.

I've had an amazing professional life personal life but at 64 to have a son who gives us that much love and enjoyment is wow!

If you dream of something worth doing and then simply go to work on it and don't think anything of personalities or emotional conflicts or of money or of family distractions it is amazing how quickly you get through those 5 000 steps.

It is my personality alone that has brought back the waltz and made it a global craze.

When you see a struggle that you may be having personally put on a big screen and in a roomful of people then it makes you feel less crazy or alone because you're seeing that other people are dealing with it too. You get to see in this imaginary scenario how people might try and answer some questions or deal with some problems.

Having gone through so many of the personal things I've gone through its about creating an (online) space for girls to be heard. I don't profess to have all the answers. But Ask Elizabeth is a space where girls are not alone.