Search For elation In Quotes 1287

This thing with everyone knowing you it's weird because people have this one-sided relationship where they look at your picture and feel they know you more than someone they actually know. I don't really know myself that well.

My father and I are very similar and have a wonderful relationship but we both stand by our opinions.

You know when you get into that thing where people want to discuss the relationship? I'd rather discuss what was on telly avoid the issue discuss anything other than the relationship.

Anyone working for a big company might be skeptical that a large business or even a strictly online business can form the same kind of friendly loyal relationship with customers as a local retailer. I'm saying it's already been done because I lived it.

Golf has an ambivalent relationship with the environment. On one hand it's a great preserver of open spaces. Golf doesn't pave the world - it helps to green the world. But the downside is it uses a lot of fertilizer pesticides and water.

I usually write for the individual reader -though I would like to have many such readers. There are some poets who write for people assembled in big rooms so they can live through something collectively. I prefer my reader to take my poem and have a one-on-one relationship with it.

I've discovered just how symbiotic the relationship is between writers directors and actors. They ask the same questions and strip down texts in exactly the same way.

I feel there's a power in theatre but it's an indirect power. It's like the relationship of the sleeper to the unconscious. You discover things you can't afford to countenance in waking life. You can forget them remember them a day later or not have any idea what they are about.

Obviously a long-distance relationship is hard. But like anything worth having you make it work.

It takes bravery to end a relationship.