Search For winning In Quotes 106

The new industries are brainy industries and so-called knowledge workers tend to like to be near other people who are the same. Think of the City of Hollywood. People cluster. This means you have winning regions such as London and Cambridge and losing regions. The people who want to be top lawyers in Sunderland are hoovered up by London.

Imagination has a great deal to do with winning.

I always won in my imagination. I always hit the game-winning shot or I hit the free throw. Or if I missed there was a lane violation and I was given another one.

For many in baseball September is a month of stark contrast with April when everyone had dared to hope. If baseball is a lot like life as pundits declare it is because life is more about losing than winning.

I think what coaching is all about is taking players and analyzing there ability put them in a position where they can excel within the framework of the team winning. And I hope that I've done that in my 33 years as a head coach.

But you say does it represent change? The change is that we are fighting an insurance industry that has killed health reform for generations. They're spending tens of millions of dollars right now to defeat this bill and we're on the doorstep of winning a great victory for the American people.

Material possessions winning scores and great reputations are meaningless in the eyes of the Lord because He knows what we really are and that is all that matters.

The idea of winning a doctor's degree gradually assumed the aspect of a great moral struggle and the moral fight possessed immense attraction for me.

Conservatives are winning offices and champions of big government are cleaning out their desks right now.

The problem is that when government controls the economy those who can influence government keep winning and everybody else just stays the same.