Search For victory In Quotes 76

Many a man has finally succeeded only because he has failed after repeated efforts. If he had never met defeat he would never have known any great victory.

As someone who worked hard for a Labour victory in the 90s do I regret it? Not really. It was bound to happen. And it'll happen with the next government and the one after it. Because all governments serve us. They serve the filth.

Those disputing contradicting and confuting people are generally unfortunate in their affairs. They get victory sometimes but they never get good will which would be of more use to them.

Great is the victory but the friendship of all is greater.

If a man achieves victory over this body who in the world can exercise power over him? He who rules himself rules over the whole world.

If you think you can win you can win. Faith is necessary to victory.

The Soviet Union did not achieve victory over the West so was my information inadequate to help them to victory or did it play no particular role in their failure to achieve victory?

Failure is not fatal victory is not success.

Having in my life been bitten by the jaws of both victory and defeat I must rush to add that success is to failure as butter pecan ice cream is to death.

If there exists no possibility of failure then victory is meaningless.

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The inherent purpose of American government is let people seek their own goals and to encourage them to be responsible on the various adventures they have on their way to those goals good bad and otherwise.