Search For venture In Quotes 117

I'll confess right here that I secretly wish I'd have drawn a strip about a little boy with a fake tiger going for adventures throughout the universe in spaceships of his imagination.

It's great to be able to connect parents with children both emotionally and through humor. I look forward to exploring family entertainment once again and examining the specifics of our day-to-day lives against the backdrop of an extraordinary adventure.

Roosevelt's humor was broad his manner friendly. Of wit there was little of philosophy none. What did he possess? Intuition inspiration love of adventure.

For myself if I am to stake all I have and hope to be upon anything I will venture it upon the abounding fullness of God - upon the assurance that as the heavens are higher than the earth so are His ways higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts.

I am inclined to attach some importance to the new system of manufacturing and venture to throw it out with the hope of its receiving a full discussion among those who are most interestedin the subject.

I had a huge advantage when I started 50 years ago - my job was secure. I didn't have to promote myself. These days there's far more pressure to make a mark so the temptation is to make adventure television or personality shows. I hope the more didactic approach won't be lost.

When you're safe at home you wish you were having an adventure when you're having an adventure you wish you were safe at home.

All in all for someone who was immersed in fascinated by and dedicated to flight I was disappointed by the wrinkle in history that had brought me along one generation late. I had missed all the great times and adventures in flight.

A lawyer without history or literature is a mechanic a mere working mason if he possesses some knowledge of these he may venture to call himself an architect.

As a bookish child in Calcutta I used to thrill to the adventures of bad girls whose pursuit of happiness swept them outside the bounds of social decency. Tess of the d'Urbervilles Emma Bovary and Anna Karenina lived large in my imagination. The naughty girls of Hollywood films flirted and knew how to drive.