Search For sweat In Quotes 57

I like low-maintenance girls but at the same time classy. She needs to take care of herself. But also be a girl who isn't afraid to get sweaty and play basketball so it's cool if she's a tomboy.

This is what customers pay us for - to sweat all these details so it's easy and pleasant for them to use our computers. We're supposed to be really good at this. That doesn't mean we don't listen to customers but it's hard for them to tell you what they want when they've never seen anything remotely like it.

Both tears and sweat are salty but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy sweat will get you change.

Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don't do it.

If your sister is in a tearing hurry to go out and cannot catch your eye she's wearing your best sweater.

Spinning has been such an amazing part of my exercise. I love the music the energy and the sweat. It's a tough class which makes me feel like I've really accomplished something. It's a great way to burn fat and lean out the body. An all-around win!

I was getting hot flashes and sweats on a regular basis. That's not normal even for my age.

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It took me less than half a lifetime to realize that regret is one of the few guaranteed certainties. Sooner or later everything is touched by it despite our naive and senseless hope that just this time we will be spared its cold hand on our heart.