Search For sunday In Quotes 65

Faith is part of who I am yes. I was raised Christian Scientist. The most important thing I saw every single week on the wall at Sunday school was the Golden Rule.

Most of us spend the first six days of each week sowing wild oats then we go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure.

I don't claim to be knowledgeable about theology. Most of my knowledge comes out of my experience and the lessons in the Bible. Every Sunday I'm home I teach 45 minutes and we boiled them down to one page for the new book 'Through the Year with Jimmy Carter.'

I think it's been hard for people to understand how Islam can be a good religion and yet the Islamists are evil. Those of us who have had experience with Islam understand this just as we understand the difference between snake handlers and people going to church on Sunday morning.

I mean in the South African case many of those who were part of death squads would have been respectable members of their white community people who went to church on Sunday every Sunday.

Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Years later I would hear my father say the divorce had left him dating his children. That still meant picking us up every Sunday for a matinee and if he had the money an early dinner somewhere.

Mom and Dad would stay in bed on Sunday morning but the kids would have to go to church.

Barack Obama knows that to create an economy built to last we need to focus on middle-class families. Families who stay up on Sunday nights pacing the floor like my dad did while their children tucked in bed dream big dreams. Families who aren't sure what Monday morning will bring but who believe our nation's best days are still ahead.

Sunday school don't make you cool forever.