Search For student In Quotes 210

If I can get some student interested in science if I can show members of the general public what's going on up there in the space program then my job's been done.

I didn't mind studying. Obviously math and the physical science subjects interested me more than some of the more artistic subjects but I think I was a pretty good student.

I suggest that the introductory courses in science at all levels from grade school through college be radically revised. Leave the fundamentals the so-called basics aside for a while and concentrate the attention of all students on the things that are not known.

NASA has been one of the most successful public investments in motivating students to do well and achieve all they can achieve. It's sad that we are turning the programme in a direction where it will reduce the amount of motivation and stimulation it provides to young people.

A student never forgets an encouraging private word when it is given with sincere respect and admiration.

Clearly once the student is no longer a student the possibilities of relationship are enlarged.

What students lack in school is an intellectual relationship or conversation with the teacher.

Having been an educator for so many years I know that all a good teacher can do is set a context raise questions or enter into a kind of a dialogic relationship with their students.

I met my wife Anne who was a sociology student and her influence together with activities associated with the student movement of the time opened up my interests amongst other things into the theatre art music politics and philosophy.

I have got instincts that I think are very much in tune with people's very keen sense to see something different. I did not dream of being in politics since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I was not involved in student politics or not in that partisan way.

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The whole course of human history may depend on a change of heart in one solitary and even humble individual - for it is in the solitary mind and soul of the individual that the battle between good and evil is waged and ultimately won or lost.