Search For stick In Quotes 141

I don't think I would have been able to stick with it and been proud of who I am and be feminine out on the court. I think I would have folded to the peer pressure if I didn't have my mom to encourage me to be me and be proud of how tall I am.

I love those hockey moms. You know what they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is? Lipstick.

You can't keep changing men so you settle for changing your lipstick.

A marriage contract to me is as binding as any in business and I have always believed in sticking to an agreement.

I was gone so much in my first marriage. I love the moments when I engage with my youngest daughter now. It's not my thing to sit on the ground and play tea party but I'll do it because it's a moment that will stick with me forever.

Marriage is like twirling a baton turning hand springs or eating with chopsticks. It looks easy until you try it.

Sticking with a marriage. That's true grit man.

I love Wagner but the music I prefer is that of a cat hung up by its tail outside a window and trying to stick to the panes of glass with its claws.

Learning to shoot firearms to me is a little like driving stick - it seems like a decent skill to have.

But the ability to articulate what you are doing to be clear about it and to stick to it is I think the essence of political leadership.

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Every neurosis is a primitive form of legal proceeding in which the accused carries on the prosecution imposes judgment and executes the sentence: all to the end that someone else should not perform the same process.