Search For sphere In Quotes 79

I think it is important that we rebuild an atmosphere of forgiveness and civility in every aspect of our lives.

A woman should be home with the children building that home and making sure there's a secure family atmosphere.

The independence of the economic sphere was a tenet of faith with Liberalism.

The crucial question one comes back to is the examination without that experience is meaningless. And I think it's true that society is becoming more and more passive less and less fired up with enthusiasm in many spheres.

Loads of chemicals and hazardous wastes have been introduced into the atmosphere that didn't even exist in 1948. The environmental condition of the planet is far worse than it was 42 years ago.

You may be able to fool the voters but not the atmosphere.

A good education is that which prepares us for our future sphere of action and makes us contented with that situation in life in which God in his infinite mercy has seen fit to place us to be perfectly resigned to our lot in life whatever it may be.

IN April 1882 my father died and I was at once whirled out of my land of dreams into a very different sphere.

Youth is in a grand flush like the hot days of ending summer and pleasant dreams thrall your spirit like the smoky atmosphere that bathes the landscape of an August day.

The atmosphere is much too near for dreams. It forces us to action. It is close to us. We are in it and of it. It rouses us both to study and to do. We must know its moods and also its motive forces.