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I was told to challenge every spiritual teacher every world leader to utter the one sentence that no religion no political party and no nation on the face of the earth will dare utter: 'Ours is not a better way ours is merely another way.

Religion is for people who are scared to go to hell. Spirituality is for people who have already been there.

Religion is the organization of spirituality into something that became the hand maiden of conquerors. Nearly all religions were brought to people and imposed on people by conquerors and used as the framework to control their minds.

Krishna children were taught that in the spiritual world there were no parents only souls and hence this justified their being kept out of view from others cloistered in separate buildings and sheltered from the evil material world.

Recounting of a life story a mind thinking aloud leads one inevitably to the consideration of problems which are no longer psychological but spiritual.

I have a much wider freer view about spirituality. I feel that people need to pursue it on their own personally. You know let it be theirs - a personal relationship with their soul or their God or with their church.

I'm interested in spirituality and in religion and our relationship to the divine.

There is a physical relationship with a woman that you don't have with anybody else but that's not about love. Love is a spiritual thing.

Spiritual relationship is far more precious than physical. Physical relationship divorced from spiritual is body without soul.

Prayer is commission. Out of the quietness with God power is generated that turns the spiritual machinery of the world. When you pray you begin to feel the sense of being sent that the divine compulsion is upon you.