Search For rings In Quotes 219

Actually I feel music becoming more and more important. It's a big source of inspiration. With what's going on in the world we feel almost desperate. Music also brings you peace.

That is why if Lebanon concludes a peace agreement with Israel and brings that accord to the Parliament our deputies will reject it Hezbollah refuses any conciliation with Israel in principle.

If you do your research on hot springs all over the world they're usually places of peace. People even in warring nations and so forth they'll go and live in peace together around the hot springs which were always considered medicinal. I firmly believe in water therapy.

A decision once taken brings peace to a man's mind and eases his soul.

Religion brings to man an inner strength spiritual light and ineffable peace.

Unfortunately the world is what it is now. People don't get along for whatever reason. As professional athletes in a way we're almost ambassadors for peace because sports brings everyone together.

For peace is not mere absence of war but is a virtue that springs from a state of mind a disposition for benevolence confidence justice.

Gratitude makes sense of our past brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.

Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.

To bare our souls is all we ask to give all we have to life and the beings surrounding us. Here the nature spirits are intense and we appreciate them make offerings to them - these nature spirits who call us here - sealing our fate with each other celebrating our love.