The function of the politician therefore is one of continuous watchfulness and activity and he must have intimate knowledge of details if he would work out grand results.
He will therefore have to use what knowledge he can achieve not to shape the results as the craftsman shapes his handiwork but rather to cultivate a growth by providing the appropriate environment in the manner in which the gardener does this for his plants.
One of the interesting things about having little musical knowledge is that you generate surprising results sometimes you move to places you wouldn't if you knew better.
The study and knowledge of the universe would somehow be lame and defective were no practical results to follow.
Checking the results of a decision against its expectations shows executives what their strengths are where they need to improve and where they lack knowledge or information.
I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led and bearding every authority which stood in their way.
There are so many things a large intelligence espionage organization can do to justify its existence that people can get promotions for because it could result in results.
Our actions are the results of our intentions and our intelligence.
Humor results when society says you can't scratch certain things in public but they itch in public.
Television has spread the habit of instant reaction and stimulated the hope of instant results.