Search For reform In Quotes 137

I understand that in these difficult economic times the potential for any additional expense is not welcomed by American businesses. But in the long run the health insurance reform law promises to cut health-care costs for U.S. businesses not expand them.

Challenges of historic import threaten America's future. Action on the deficit economy energy health care and much more is imperative yet our legislative institutions fail to act. Congress must be reformed.

If the goal of health-care reform is to provide comprehensive universal health care in a cost-effective way the only honest approach is a single-payer approach.

There is much that public policy can do to support American entrepreneurs. Health insurance reform will make it easier for entrepreneurs to take a chance on a new business without putting their family's health at risk. Tort reform will make it easier to take prudent risks on new products in a number of sectors.

I basically believe the medical insurance industry should be nonprofit not profit-making. There is no way a health reform plan will work when it is implemented by an industry that seeks to return money to shareholders instead of using that money to provide health care.

I believe in health care reform.

If the states and territories do not sign up to fundamental reform then my message is equally simple: we will take this reform plan to the people at the next election - along with a referendum by or at that same election to give the Australian Government all the power it needs to reform the health system.

Look all this is about is utilizing the rules of the Senate using a majority of the senators to make sure that we get health reform done. We cannot wait another day.

When President Obama passed health care reform it was personal! And when Governor Romney says he would repeal Obamacare and put insurance companies back in charge of a woman's health that's personal too.

Both referred to the Affordable Care Act which is the accurate title of the health care reform law as 'Obamacare.' That is a disparaging reference to the President of the United States it is meant as a disparaging reference to the President of the United States.