Search For queen In Quotes 56

At 13 when I was a runaway I was taken in by the most amazing drag queens in Portland Ore. We didn't always know where our next meal was coming from but there was so much camaraderie and love. Not to mention those girls could paint a face and I learned how because of them.

If you saw Queen Elizabeth it would be amazing she came from another planet. She was so attractive in what she was wearing.

I love photo sessions. I'm alone I'm the queen everyone's taking care of me.

It is eerie being all but alone in Westminster Abbey. Without the tourists there are only the dead many of them kings and queens. They speak powerfully and put my thoughts into vivid perspective.

I was a queen and you took away my crown a wife and you killed my husband a mother and you deprived me of my children. My blood alone remains: take it but do not make me suffer long.

I would rather be a beggar and single than a queen and married.

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You have all these people in the city and everything has become centralized. If you live outside the city and you need a birth certificate or some official paper from the government you have to travel to the city.