Search For profit In Quotes 105

Market leadership can translate directly to higher revenue higher profitability greater capital velocity and correspondingly stronger returns on invested capital.

Even though I'm a hype man myself I like the practicality of it all. People who understand how to turn a profit. At the end of the day this is still business so I'm looking for real practical knowledge of how to actually make money not necessarily raise it.

I hope telling stories though 'Making a Difference' - as in my academic work and nonprofit work - will help me to live my grandmother's adage of 'Life is not about what happens to you but about what you do with what happens to you.'

I hope to make movies that are so small they don't need to make anything to be profitable.

Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They are doing this even in those cases where they hope to have profitable connections with German chemical firms after the war ends.

What would be the nicest thing I could say about Newt Gingrich? He may be one of the great supporters of the humanities because you have people who don't want to study the social sciences because it's not profitable and now Newt as the highest-paid historian in American history may be an encouragement to people to study history.

Do you know what the overhead is of the Medicare system? One-point-zero-five percent. Do you know what - private insurance is 30 percent in overhead and profits? Given a choice how I'm going to improve health care I'm going to take it away from private insurance profits and overhead. Wouldn't you?

I have worked to expand the health care debate beyond the current for-profit system to include a public option and an amendment to free the states to pursue single payer.

I basically believe the medical insurance industry should be nonprofit not profit-making. There is no way a health reform plan will work when it is implemented by an industry that seeks to return money to shareholders instead of using that money to provide health care.

Yes. I think the anti-Wal-Mart is Costco which pays much better and has much better health benefits and which is profitable and offers low prices.