Search For policies In Quotes 61

Fully 57 percent of American college students are women. Life insurance companies sell more policies to women than to men. As women continue to draw on experience and education they're accelerating their numbers in upper management too.

We are currently working on new policies to protect and create American jobs particularly by improving education. We need more information in order to find the best solutions to this increasing concern for American families.

Obama has no power to change American policy because there are people who specialize in drawing these policies which have been and still are hostile towards Islam.

President Obama's version of America is a divided one - pitting us against each other based on our income level gender and social status. His policies have failed! We are not better off than we were 4 years ago and no rhetoric bumper sticker or campaign ad can change that.

The hope and change the Democrats had in mind was nothing more than a retread of the failed and discredited socialist policies that have been the enemy of freedom for centuries all over the world. I fear America is teetering towards tyranny.

Policies are many Principles are few Policies will change Principles never do.

After adding trillions to the debt on big-government policies most Americans didn't ask for and which we couldn't afford Democratic leaders say they need more money which they intend to take from small business even though small businesses create the majority of new jobs.

In the US there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions called Democrats and Republicans which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies. By and large I am opposed to those policies. As is most of the population.

Now I know that Wal-Mart's policies do not reflect the best way of doing business and the values that I think are important in America.

Doctrines provide an architecture for both Republican and Democrat presidents to carry out policies.