Search For photograph In Quotes 114

It takes a lot of imagination to be a good photographer. You need less imagination to be a painter because you can invent things. But in photography everything is so ordinary it takes a lot of looking before you learn to see the extraordinary.

A good photographer can make you look incredible even when you're not feeling very sexy.

There are no rules for good photographs there are only good photographs.

A good photograph is knowing where to stand.

If the chemistry is right between star and photographer and the geometry of the pictures pleases the star often the two people end up with a long-term professional friendship during which they continue to work together and to produce highly personal images.

Friendship based solely upon gratitude is like a photograph with time it fades.

I was born in the '60s and grew up in the '70s - not exactly the best decade for food in British history. It was horrendous. It was a time when as a nation we excelled in art and music and acting and photography and fashion - all creative skills... all apart from cooking.

I have no fear of photography as long as it cannot be used in heaven and in hell.

When I was young I did actually model and was much photographed by famous photographers. But I was always a bookworm.

I like photographing the people I love the people I admire the famous and especially the infamous. My last infamous subject was the extreme right wing French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen.