Search For motions In Quotes 100

Yes I do often write poems from the mind but I hope I don't ignore feelings and emotions.

For it is the duty of an astronomer to compose the history of the celestial motions through careful and expert study.

I don't understand why Europeans and South Americans can take more sophistication. Why is it that Americans need to hear their happiness major and their tragedy minor and as jazzy as they can handle is a seventh chord? Are they not experiencing complex emotions?

Completeness? Happiness? These words don't come close to describing my emotions. There truly is nothing I can say to capture what motherhood means to me particularly given my medical history.

Disappointment is inevitable. But to become discouraged there's a choice I make. God would never discourage me. He would always point me to himself to trust him. Therefore my discouragement is from Satan. As you go through the emotions that we have hostility is not from God bitterness unforgiveness all of these are attacks from Satan.

I've been to many funerals of funny people and they're some of the funniest days you'll ever have because the emotions run high.

Analysis gave me great freedom of emotions and fantastic confidence. I felt I had served my time as a puppet.

I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... such emotions make a man forget food sleep friends love everything.

You need to put what you learn into practice and do it over and over again until it's a habit. I always say 'Seeing is not believing. Doing is believing.' There is a lot to learn about fitness nutrition and emotions but once you do you can master them instead of them mastering you.

Of the primary emotions fear is the one that bears most directly on survival. Children show fear. Adults try not to maybe because it's shameful or in some circumstances dangerous. The fear response is automatic though and your body runs through its reflexes whether you want it to or not.