Search For mirror In Quotes 79

I'd rather be able to face myself in the bathroom mirror than be rich and famous.

Both within the family and without our sisters hold up our mirrors: our images of who we are and of who we can dare to be.

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.

Our politics are our deepest form of expression: they mirror our past experiences and reflect our dreams and aspirations for the future.

You've never seen death? Look in the mirror every day and you will see it like bees working in a glass hive.

Cowardice and courage are never without a measure of affectation. Nor is love. Feelings are never true. They play with their mirrors.

The only service a friend can really render is to keep up your courage by holding up to you a mirror in which you can see a noble image of yourself.

I'm a mirror. If you're cool with me I'm cool with you and the exchange starts. What you see is what you reflect. If you don't like what you see then you've done something. If I'm standoffish that's because you are.

It's a huge change for your body. You don't even want to look in the mirror after you've had a baby because your stomach is just hanging there like a Shar-Pei.

I think clothes should make you feel safe. I like clothes you want to go to sleep in. I sometimes stand in front of a mirror and change a million times because I know I really want to wear my nightgown.

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I remember being at Greenblatt's on Sunset and some guy just walked straight up to me and he had some bling on and whatever and said something about a party down in Malibu and asked if I would jump in his car and go to the party. All I could think was 'Who are you? I don't know you and I don't care about how good your car is.'