Search For longs In Quotes 88

In the end nature is inexorable: it has no reason to hurry and sooner or later it takes what belongs to it. Unconsciously and inflexibly obedient to its own laws it doesn't know art just as it doesn't know freedom just as it doesn't know goodness.

Today hundreds of millions dwell in freedom from the Baltic to the Adriatic from the Western Approaches to the Aegean. And while we must never take this for granted the first purpose of the European Union - to secure peace - has been achieved and we should pay tribute to all those in the EU alongside Nato who made that happen.

I've always supported myself. I like the sense of knowing exactly where I stand financially but there is a side of me that longs for a knight in shining armor.

You'll know if you're a famous composer if 20 years from now your name appears on a pull-down menu in Band in a Box alongside Hans Zimmer.

Syria should not belong to one family to one coterie or to one party. It belongs to all the people of Syria equally in all their religious and ethnic diversity.

I am not generous about telling people who I am and what I like to do because it's my life and it only belongs to me and my friends and family.

Education is the passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

A test of what is real is that it is hard and rough. Joys are found in it not pleasure. What is pleasant belongs to dreams.

I'm not into politics but I am committed to a cause: ensuring design technology and engineering stays on the U.K. curriculum alongside science and maths - grounding abstract theory merging the practical with the academic.

They can rule the world while they can persuade us our pain belongs in some order is death by famine worse than death by suicide than a life of famine and suicide...?