Search For lighten In Quotes 61

In less enlightened times the best way to impress women was to own a hot car. But women wised up and realized it was better to buy their own hot cars so they wouldn't have to ride around with jerks.

Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.

Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth goodness beauty love and compassion and also intuition creativity insight and focused attention.

When virtue and modesty enlighten her charms the lustre of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars of heaven and the influence of her power it is in vain to resist.

Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor and your picture begins to lighten up.

The art of Peace I practice has room for each of the world's eight million gods and I cooperate with them all. The God of Peace is very great and enjoins all that is divine and enlightened in every land.

When we're on set we kind of joke around and when we're rehearsing we change up the scenes and make each other laugh. We lighten up the mood. The blooper reel is going to be amazing on 'New Moon.'

Although born in a prosperous realm we did not believe that its boundaries should limit our knowledge and that the lore of the East should alone enlighten us.

Men even when alone lighten their labors by song however rude it may be.

The divine right of husbands like the divine right of kings may it is hoped in this enlightened age be contested without danger.