Search For larger In Quotes 61

One of the things that is not so good is that a decision was made long ago about the size of an IP address - 32 bits. At the time it was a number much larger than anyone could imagine ever having that many computers but it turned out to be to small.

Men are but children of a larger growth Our appetites as apt to change as theirs And full as craving too and full as vain.

It is time for corporate America to become 'the third pillar' of social change in our society complementing the first two pillars of government and philanthropy. We need the entire private sector to begin committing itself not just to making profits but to fulfilling higher and larger purposes by contributing to building a better world.

Hip-hop is supposed to uplift and create to educate people on a larger level and to make a change.

I became a larger than life figure for one reason only. When you're quoted in the 'Wall Street Journal ' the 'New York Times ' constantly as the expert in the business people assume you're a lot bigger than you are. And then I had to run like hell to catch up with my own image.

In today's social business marketplace Facebook is one of the best places for nonprofits to be discovered and connect with a larger audience on the basis of shared values. So to get started a non-profit should launch a Facebook page and invite your existing real world community to connect your cause and their networks.

The arts quite simply nourish the soul. They sustain comfort inspire. There is nothing like that exquisite moment when you first discover the beauty of connecting with others in celebration of larger ideals and shared wisdom.

People are patronizing the theatres with renewed enthusiasm - there is an entire picnic-like attitude when families go out to see movies which is a very good sign. They want to see larger-than-life characters on the big screen and not just watch movies on television or on DVDs.

Rumors sound of galleries asking artists for upsized art and more of it. I've heard of photographers asked to print larger to increase the wall power and salability of their work. Everything winds up set to maximum in order to feed the beast.

There's a lot of thought in art. People get to talk about important things. There's a lot of sex you know in art. There's a lot of naked women and men and there's intrigue there's fakery. It's a real microcosm of the larger world.