Search For lands In Quotes 80

The best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation.

Russia will occupy most of the good food lands of central Europe while we have the industrial portions. We must find some way of persuading Russia to play ball.

Appetite craving for food is a constant and powerful stimulator of the gastric glands.

From the described experiment it is clear that the mere act of eating the food even not reaching the stomach determines the stimulation of the gastric glands.

We need a grassroots movement and government policies and programs to change the food landscape and the built environment to give our children a chance to have happy healthy successful lives.

Especially for me growing up in such a small town in the middle of nowhere the desire to be away was incredible. I wanted to see new lands meet new people from the city and meet people that were in much less fortunate situations than I was so that I could be more appreciative of my present. At least I had food on the table.

From the simple stringing together of lemon garlands for the goddess Durga to dividing the prasadam or blessed foods for the children first I came to associate food not only with feminity but also with purity and divinity.

This man is freed from servile bands Of hope to rise or fear to fall Lord of himself though not of lands And leaving nothing yet hath all.

It is often the failure who is the pioneer in new lands new undertakings and new forms of expression.

You cannot in human experience rush into the light. You have to go through the twilight into the broadening day before the noon comes and the full sun is upon the landscape.