Search For label In Quotes 63

I was labeled at a young age - Miss Unemotional Miss Cool and that would carry over to my press conferences.

I think fashion is a lot of fun. I love clothes. More than fashion or brand labels I love design. I love the thought that people put into clothes. I love when clothes make cultural statements and I think personal style is really cool. I also freely recognize that fashion should be a hobby.

The pop world is cool but I never really thought of myself as part of it or wanting to be a part of it because I'm on a label that's not really like that. They're not trying to dress me up they're not trying to do things like that. I feel like I'm sort of separate from that actually.

Every daring attempt to make a great change in existing conditions every lofty vision of new possibilities for the human race has been labeled Utopian.

Okay let's talk about cartoon labels for half a second - some people think anything with a dog or a car or a colorful alien is garbage which is not true. Look at Big Moose Red. It's like a $6 wine with a cheesy label and it's actually a solid wine.

Major labels didn't start showing up really until they smelled money and that's all they're ever going to be attracted to is money-that's the business they're in- making money.

The people who are competing business-wise out there want what other successful labels and artists have. I don't want what they have I want my own path my own sound my own identity. Record labels care nothing about identity or artistic freedom they want good business.

Once you are labeled 'the best' you want to stay up there and you can't do it by loafing around.

Having a clear faith based on the creed of the church is often labeled today as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along by every wind of teaching look like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards.

Actually we got signed in November of 2000 with Dreamworks which is the most amazing label. We have friends on other labels and though we are not selling millions of records yet they treat us with tons of respect and give us some very good guidance.

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My grandmother was a kind of Scarsdale New York society woman best known in her day as the author of the 1959 book 'Growing Your Own Way: An Informal Guide for Teen-Agers' - this despite being a person whose parenting style made Joan Crawford's wire hangers look like pool noodles.