Search For intimate In Quotes 57

My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people.

My faith isn't very churchy it's a pretty personal intimate thing and has been a huge source of strength in moments of life and death.

I did 10 years of comedies and 10 years of Westerns. I really like to stay away from car chases. I prefer the more intimate film. You have a much more direct association with the emotions.

Our most intimate friend is not he to whom we show the worst but the best of our nature.

The dialogue between client and architect is about as intimate as any conversation you can have because when you're talking about building a house you're talking about dreams.

Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse hopefully enduring and intimate to the degree of being sacred.

So you know parenting is a very intimate and amazing experience and one of the best experiences of my life.