Search For industrial In Quotes 55

I just think we're living in a time of massive amazing change like the Industrial Revolution on acid.

We now have an opportunity though to do something we didn't do in the industrial age and that is to get a leg up on this to bring the public in quickly to have an informed debate.

Adulthood is the ever-shrinking period between childhood and old age. It is the apparent aim of modern industrial societies to reduce this period to a minimum.

My wife and I unlike many intellectuals spent five years working on assembly lines. We came to fully understand the criticisms of the industrial age in which you are an appendage of a machine that sets the pace.

We have entered an age in which education is not just a luxury permitting some men an advantage over others. It has become a necessity without which a person is defenseless in this complex industrialized society. We have truly entered the century of the educated man.

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Religion must mainly be a matter of principles only. It cannot be a matter of rules. The moment it degenerates into rules it ceases to be a religion as it kills responsibility which is an essence of the true religious act.