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I think cookies are sort of the unsung sweet you know? They're incredibly popular. But everybody thinks of cakes and pies and fancier desserts before they think cookies. A plate of cookies is a great way to end dinner and really nice to share at the holidays.

I was elected to come to an incredibly dysfunctional capital and make the government work better and that's what I'm doing.

I love New York. I was sad depressed and incredibly moved by our fellow countrymen and what they've done. I wanted to give people a chance to see something funny have a distraction.

Hitchcock had a charm about him. He was very funny at times. He was incredibly brilliant in his field of suspense.

Who do I like? I am a big fan of French and Saunders - not that that they are particularly stand-up I have to say but I think they have been great for women and they are of themselves just incredibly funny whether they are male or female.

Working at the Food Bank with my kids is an eye-opener. The face of hunger isn't the bum on the street drinking Sterno it's the working poor. They don't look any different they don't behave any differently they're not really any less educated. They are incredibly less privileged and that's it.

I've had one very bad ankle injury but otherwise I've been incredibly lucky with my fitness. I've worked hard at it and I've always been fit even compared to other players. That sustains you through various parts of your career but I am 36.

There's such big pressure on people who are incredibly famous on those who have people sitting outside their front door and taking photos every time they move.

I became famous so quickly and so young - it was daunting. I was immature and I used to say some really stupid things in interviews. I never smiled on stage so I looked really serious but it was because I hated my teeth and was incredibly nervous.

The financial costs of family breakdown are incredibly high.

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I have a fine level of recognition in the business and among the acting community now so I consider myself one of the lucky ones. If I didn't think that there would be something wrong with me. I'm grateful and thankful for what I've got.